Monday, June 27, 2011


I probably shouldn't admit this, but I really don't know what I'm doing. I guess - since I'm a self-proclaimed life-long learner - I'd better hang in here long enough to learn about blogging. If you choose to follow my blog, I hope you begin to find some major changes and improvements.

Summer school ended last Friday, so today is the first real day of my summer vacation. I am planning to jump into the Book Whisperer discussion group that starts today on the Thinking of Teaching blog. I read the book last summer, but I started rereading it last week. I'm excited about discussing it with other teacher/learners.


  1. Yay! I've been reading it for the past couple of days and I LOVE it. I'm about halfway through and really has me thinking...
    Kristen :)

  2. Keep readin'. It gets better and better!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! Your blog looks great! (I'm quiltwoman, btw, on pt) I'll follow you and put you in my Google Reader! Lisa

    First Class with Mrs. Mac

  4. Welcome to blogging! I'm now a follower.
